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Document Segment Security: Unlocking Streamlined Business Processes

So, you’ve dipped your toes into the expansive world of Documents and Security. Now how do we seamlessly integrate these features into our everyday business processes? Let’s dive in.

Configuration Steps

The first step is to define your document categories using the Maintain Document Categories task. This is essentially labeling your virtual filing cabinet drawers. You name them, assign an ID, and describe their contents. Simple, right?

Next, you need to create a security segment for each document category. Think of this as locking each drawer in your cabinet. To do this, navigate to the Create Document Category Security Segment task. Here, you'll name your segment and link it to its corresponding document category.

Now, let’s talk about keys. You’ll need to create a security group to grant access to these segments. Search for Create Security Group, select Segment-Based Security Group, and give it a name.

Then, define who can access these segments and what segments they can access. It’s all about the "who" and the "what".

Who can access the segments in the group, and what are those segments?

Under Group Criteria ("who") below, you will add in the security groups that you want to have access to the segment that you just created.

In the Access Rights ("what") below, you will include the segment, and any other segments that you need to secure to the security group.

Congratulations! You’ve now created a Segment-Based Security Group ready to streamline your business processes. Now, how do we put it to work?

The solution in action

Picture this: you’re amid a business process, and you need to attach a document. Instead of scrolling through endless categories, wouldn’t it be easier to have it right at your fingertips? With your new security group, it’s possible.

Navigate to the business process default definition, click Business Process Policy, and Edit.

Scroll down to Attachment Settings in BP Toolbar and add your newly Segment-Based Security Group to the View Permissions and Edit Permissions below.

This will enable the members of the Segment-Based Security Group to view and/edit documents in this specific business process. See below an example of attaching a document to the business process.

Last (as always when making security changes), you will need to Activate Pending Security Policy Changes, and voilà! Your employees now have streamlined access to the documents they need, without the hassle of unnecessary options.


With the click of a button, employees can access the documents they need, when they need them, and without the frustration of sifting through irrelevant categories. This empowers your workforce to focus on what truly matters – driving innovation and achieving business objectives.

Moreover, efficient document categorization enhances data security, ensuring that sensitive information is safeguarded against unauthorized access.

By investing in the organization and categorization of documents within Workday ®, you’re not just saving time – you’re laying the foundation for a more agile, secure, and successful future.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the power of efficient document management today and propel your organization towards greater heights.

Author: Brittney from Colorado

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